18 Zulkaedah 1431
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah...
Today, I came to this blog with a purpose...
Situation: Rite now, I'm kinda back to square one...perhaps it was bcoz of de holz, perhaps it's bcoz it's a new semester...tho, perhaps dey r all xcuses...point is...i'm back to my almoz ill-disciplined character....so, previous sunday n de wk b4, ustadz started talking about the 7 habits of the mind...currently, we've gone through the 1st 3 habits...which is once these habits are ingrained in us, we would then have attained the next stage-independence...so, i guess i'm still in between the dependence and independence stage..*makes a face* gosh. i'm 22. wat haf i been doing?
So, let's look at the chain...
with knowledge (how to develop good habits) --> habits can change-->provided that we WANT to change and we know why we should change
so, yea...I feel dat i shd start to relli do something more with my life...laz wk's session apparently motivated me...
ok, 1st habit-bersikap proaktif
-->instead of waiting for things to happen, make things happen.
-->do not blame others or find excuses, be responsible for our actions
-->find ways to make something work (not give up easily)
-->do not get emotional based on feedback
Honestly, the 1st habit is already tough to achieve...but muz try!!! =)
2nd habit-mulakan dengan matlamat di minda (begin with the end in mind)
-->in whatever we do, what do we want to achieve at the end? the purpose of doing something?
-->should have a vision and mission even in life
so, basically, wen ustadz was talking about the 2nd habit, it relli made me reflect on myself...partly coz he was saying dat it would be useful to actually write down our vision and look at it daily so dat we dun 4get our purpose...
so, wif dat, i haf decided to pen down my vision n mission on dis blog...so dat it'll act as a reminder 4 myself...i'm also gonna write it down on paper to put it sumwer i can c everyday insya-allah...hopefully, it'll help me 2 achieve my vision...besides dat, i realised dat since i luv games so much, i shd probably try to make my missions into sumting more of like a game. Wat i wanna do is to breakdown my missions (things i should do to attain my vision) to a few levels...like level one, what must i achieve b4 i can b sed 2 have proceeded 2 level 2...yepz...sounds more fun and achievable...=) i hope it works...
3rd habit-Yang penting didahulukan (Prioritise)
-->i would be more productive if i do not sacrifice my time on unimportant things..(which is wat i'm guilty of...)
so, let's do it!
-to be a good muslimah
-to lead a healthy lifestyle
-to be an effective teacher
-to be multilingual
What defines a good muslimah?
-tries her best to please Allah in whatever she does and avoids what Allah dislikes
-obeys her parents
Healthy lifestyle?
-exercises regularly
Effective teacher?
-does a thorough planning when planning a lesson
-think in a student's point of view
-always goes through the materials before actual lesson
-be observant of students and the going-ons in class
-ensures a conducive environment for students
-to be able to speak in English, Malay, Chinese, French, Arabic.
I'm not sure if I should write out my missions as well, coz I think it mite b rather lengthy? Hmm...n i haven exactly thought of the levels and so on...I think I'll just write it down on paper instead..=)
Ok, I should start soon!
Amal Hayati.